2 December 2019 “Hall of Fame Viola”
On 2 December 2019, the eighth edition of the “Hall of Fame Viola” takes place at the “Cosimo Ridolfi” Auditorium of Banca CR Firenze. Fiorentina is the first Italian football club to have its own Hall of Fame, the prestigious Gallery of Honors that celebrates the personalities who made the Purple History, wanted and created by the Museo Fiorentina.
28 December 2019 “Derby Storico Fiorentino”
The Museo Fiorentina is organizing the tenth edition of the Derby Storico Fiorentino, a period re-enactment of the challenges between the “Whites” of the Club Sportivo Firenze and the “Reds” Palestra Ginnastica Fiorentina Libertas, the two city teams that united in 1926 gave rise to the Associazione Fiorentina del Calcio. The event is held on 28 December 2019 at the Palestra Ginnastica Fiorentina Libertas in Florence and is dedicated to the MEYER Foundation in Florence, with a charity fundraiser.
31 January 2020 “Presentazione libro Il Mediano di Mauthausen”
On January 31, 2020 the Museo Fiorentina, in collaboration with the Historical Institute of the Resistance, as part of the celebrations for the Memorial Day dedicated to Vittorio Staccione, organizes the presentation of the book “Il mediano di Mauthausen” written by Francesco Veltri and dedicated to life of the late Vittorio Staccione. The Vice-president Massimo Cervelli with the councilor Francesco Mascagni takes care of the presentation for the Museo Fiorentina.
7 February 2020 “Conference SISS a Bologna”
On 7 February 2020, the Museo Fiorentina collaborates at the online conference promoted by SISS, the Italian Society of the History of Sport, entitled: “Italy and football historiographical perspectives”. The Museo Fiorentina participates with the members of the History Commission led by Massimo Cervelli.
14 October 2020 “Conference SISS a Siena”
On 14 October 2020, the Museo Fiorentina collaborates in the online conference promoted by SISS, the Italian Society for the History of Sport, entitled: “Football and society”. The Museo Fiorentina participates with the members of the History Commission led by Massimo Cervelli.
8 February 2021 “Celebration 1000 victories Fiorentina at Florence”
On 19 September 2020, Fiorentina, beating Turin 1-0, won its 1000th victory in Florence. To commemorate the prestigious goal achieved, the Museo Fiorentina prepared a special celebratory pennant that was donated to the president of the ACF Rocco Commisso on February 8, 2021 on the occasion of a dedicated meeting.
1 April 2021 “Opening of the website of the Museo Fiorentina”
On 1 April 2021, birthday of Giancarlo Antognoni who represents the Viola History, the Museo Fiorentina inaugurates the new website online: www.museofiorentina.it created with the partnership of All You srl.
14 April 2021 The book “Società Anonima Associazione Fiorentina del Calcio 1933-1952”
On April 14, 2021, the Museo Fiorentina presents the book “Società Anonima Associazione Fiorentina del Calcio 1933-1952”. A special historical volume, the result of a long research work, created by the Museo Fiorentina to bring to light the history of the “Società Anonima Associazione Fiorentina del Calcio” founded in 1933 by the Marquis Ridolfi to allow Fiorentina to compete with the great Italian football players.
An important page of the story Viola that helps to understand the various steps taken in terms of assets and the consequent sporting results obtained, a particular story, always unknown in its technical terms which in the volume is reconstructed through the analysis and publication of all the documents officers, whose memory was completely lost.
A work of considerable historical and documentary importance, with the patronage of CONI, FIGC, Lega Calcio Serie A and with an intervention by the president of ACF Fiorentina, Rocco Commisso.
21 April 2021 “Conference SISS online”
On 21 April 2021, the Museo Fiorentina collaborates in the online conference promoted by SISS, the Italian Society for the History of Sport, entitled: “Musei del Calcio esperienze a confronto”. The Museo Fiorentina participates with the members of the History Commission led by Massimo Cervelli.
22 April 2021 “Conference ICMAH online”
On 22 April 2021 the Museo Fiorentina, like member of ISMA, partecipates in the online conference promoted by ICMAH, International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archeology and History, entitled: “Covid 19 Impacts and Consequences on Sports Museums”. The Museo Fiorentina partecipates with the president David Bini.