
Order of Marzocco

The Museo Fiorentina estabilished a new special prize in 2022.
This special honor, called: “ORDER OF MARZOCCO”, confers to the awarded the recognition for the valiant contribution given,
in his career, for Fiorentina and for Florence.

Order of Marzocco

The Museo Fiorentina estabilished a new special prize in 2022.
This special honor, called: “ORDER OF MARZOCCO”, confers to the awarded the recognition for the valiant contribution given,
in his life, for Fiorentina and for Florence.


An exception, a boy who maintained his way of being and thinking despite having arrived to play in Serie A. He arrived at training on two wheels, on a bicycle or on a scooter. Beard and long hair, simple dress, as was normal for his generation. His feet on the ground and his head with his beliefs, including the much appreciated one of not speaking to journalists. Normality in a world made of excess and stardom, the unconditional love of the Curva Fiesole who sang the chorus: “Praise be to you Dino Pagliari” reciprocated with the passion and big heart always put on the pitch. With honor, we confer the Order of Marzocco on Dino Pagliari.

Order of Marzocco

HoF 2023

PEPINO Roberto

Roberto Pepino, a scientist with an entirely purple heart.
An Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Florence, he has dedicated part of his time to an often underestimated but fundamental mission, reshaping the way services are carried out in the stadium, first Co-munale and then Franchi, in modern times.
An enlightened connoisseur of organisation, he oversaw the holding of the 1990 World Championships in Florence, giving his scientific imprint to the methods of access and stay in stadiums.
Thanks to his experience, his far-sightedness, sensitivity and diplomacy, he has given way and meaning to the development of access and hospitality me-thods in large sports facilities, particularly in what was defined (at the time of its construction) as the most beautiful in the world. Roberto Pepino has inser-ted himself in the context of this stadium with his skills and know-how to evolve the existing services to the con-sistence of today.
Thanks to him, various managers, not only in Florence, have found a source of education and inspiration to build their careers in the sporting sphere and, again thanks to him, various owners of the violet team have found the best available expert, able to make them make decisions in the stadium context.
Thanks to him, they have obtained the proven proof that it is not only those who wear the purple jersey to take to the field, but also those behind the scenes who enable them to do so in a suitable and organised environment and, at the same time, the spectators to watch the football spectacle in a sa-fe and appropriate manner.

Order of Marzocco

HoF 2022

PIERANI Gabriella

For her and other girls, football represented a way of emancipation from a society that wanted to keep them relegated to the house. The opportunity was created in 1967 by Giovanni Mazzetti, president of the Viola Club “Giovani Viola,” who, with the support of Nello Baglini, gave life to the Giovani Viola team.
Gabriella wore the number seven shirt, considered at the time the most important in Florence, that of the great Julinho and Hamrin… Gabriella and her teammates were true pioneers of women’s football which has finally established itself today.
When, at a certain point in her professional career in the publishing world, the family situation became complicated, she finally agreed to be hired in the Fiorentina secretariat.
For years she had resisted the prospect of going to work in an exclusively male environment…
An intense activity began, without timetables, with the work changing according to the characteristics of the president or sports director on duty.
From her position, ready to solve all the problems that arose every day, with kindness and efficiency there was always her, the indispensable Gabriella.
Behind the desk, for over thirty years, but always with the purple shirt in my heart!
The Fiorentina Museum proudly awards the Order of the Marzocco to Gabriella PIERANI!

Order of Marzocco

HoF 2024


His arrival in Florence went almost unnoticed until, on 15 January 1978, Mario Mazzoni made him his debut in Serie A against Pescara. In that moment we understood that we had found an important player, one to whom we could trust with our shirt. A footballer who gave everything on the pitch and, a detail by which you judge an attacker, he knew how to score. His goals were decisive in staying in Serie A at the end of one of the most difficult seasons in the 1977-78 championship. An agile, quick striker, he had the right flair in the penalty area, 76 appearances and 24 goals in the purple shirt and the unstoppable chorus for our “Ezio-goal”. We proudly confer the Order of the Marzocco on Ezio Sella.

Order of Marzocco

HoF 2023

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